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5 Tips for Properly Pronouncing NamesThe United States is a country made up of immigrants. Ever since its founding over 200 years ago, people have been coming to the United States in search of a better life from countries around the world.
One of the challenges that face many customer service individuals and others who deal with the public on a daily basis is the lack of skills necessary to correctly pronounce peoples' names. The following tips will help you correctly pronounce any type of name, regardless of origin. <strong>1. Familiarize Yourself With Names from Different Countries</strong> Pronunciation is one of the biggest factors that separates one language from the next. Familiarize yourself with the languages that you deal with on an everyday basis and practice basic pronunciation. A good example is Vietnamese because the "g" is silent in most of the language's common names. If you have problems with Vietnamese pronunciation, practice some of the basic names over and over again. <strong>2. Practice Each Syllable</strong> If you have trouble saying any name, break down the name by syllable. Repeat the name slowly until you are no longer having trouble. It may also be a good idea for you to record yourself when saying the name out loud to help with the syllables. <strong>3. Memorize the Spelling</strong> Memorizing the spelling will help with pronunciation because you'll be able to recall each letter when you have to say the name out loud. Memorization also often helps with pronunciation because of repetition. <strong>4. Ask the Individual</strong> If you're unsure about the pronunciation of a particular name, don't be afraid to ask the person before you say it out loud. Once they've told you their name, repeat it in your head so you won't have problems in the future with the pronunciation. <strong>5. Practice the Entire Name</strong> Once you've broken the name down by syllable, practice saying the name in its entirety. Repetition of the name in your head will help when it comes time to say it out loud. When you begin to have trouble saying a particular name out loud, repetition is the best way to resolve the issue. Repeat it a few times a day until it sounds perfect in your head. |
10 Tips to Help You Pronounce Difficult NamesHave you ever been through that awkward experience when you’re giving a speech, introducing a guest or giving a presentation and you simply can’t get that difficult name right? Huh?Yeah, it’s embarrassing, but it happens to very many of us including native speakers of English. Is there a magic wand that can help you avoid tough names? Yes, the simplest way out is mastering some basic tips that will help you conquer most of the hard names you come across.
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